World Heritage Yak Conservancy Sponsors
The following individuals and organizations have made a generous commitment to Preserving, Promoting and Protecting, the Heritage Yak breed by supporting The World Heritage Yak Conservancy (WHYC).
Join the Team, and help protect our biological diversity and preserve the threatened yak genome!
Legacy Sponsors
CorperatBeneficiary Sponsors: $120,000
Private, Beneficiary Memorial Sponsor
Legacy Contributors: Invaluable
Kieran Suckling, Center for Biological Diversity, Invaluable support
Platinum Legacy Sponsors: $5,000
Micheal Kozlowski, Esbrook Law, Legacy Sponsor
Gold Legacy Sponsors: $3000
The Priest Family, A Yak or 2 | Great Lakes Ranch, Gold Legacy Sponsor
The Salvato Family, Prairie Sky Ranch, Gold Legacy Sponsor
Private, Sponsor
Foundation Sponsors: $500
Lawerence G. Richards, Living Diamonds Tibetan Yak Ranch, Founding Sponsor
Private, Foundation Sponsor
Champion Sponsors: $150
A. Bryant, Champion Sponsor.
T. Evans, Champion Sponsor
M. Etheridge,, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Friends of Heritage Yak: $100
Private, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Private, Champion Sponsor
Research Contributors
Lynda & Mike Gehring, High Country Critters, Whole Herd Reporting (WHR) Research Contributor
T. Moyer, Tissues samples for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) Research Contributor
Mark Priest, A Yak or 2 | Great Lakes Ranch, Whole Herd Reporting (WHR) Research Contributor
Nicole Geijer Porter, Prairie Sky Ranch, Whole Herd Reporting (WHR) Research Contributor
Lawerence G. Richards, Living Diamonds Tibetan Yak Ranch, Whole Herd Reporting (WHR) Research Contributor
Private, Research Contributor
Private, Research Contributor
Private, Research Contributor
Private, Research Contributor
Put your name here. Legacy Sponsors and Research Contributors qualify.